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In this day and age, it's simply not enough to call on someone and make a presentation. If you don't follow up at least 7 times, you are wasting your time, as well as theirs. The more time you put into getting to know your potential customers, the better your relationship will be.

follow up, presentation, business

Article Body:
In this day and age, it's simply not enough to call on someone and make a presentation. If you don't follow up at least 7 times, you are wasting your time, as well as theirs. The more time you put into getting to know your potential customers, the better your relationship will be.

Because of that, you need to follow up after a presentation, at least 7 times, and sometimes longer. Here you'll find some creative ideas to follow up that will be sure to impress anyone.

1. Your first follow up should be a hand written note, thanking them for their time. Use a nice card, embossed with your logo, if you want, or just a simple "Thank You" card available anywhere.

2. Second, find some "Cheese Straws" at a specialty store, and send it with a note saying: "Grasping at straws to find the perfect solution to...(include a problem you can solve for them)? We can help! This is not only a cleverly worded reminder of your presentation, but something for them to taste and remember you by.

3. Rolodex cards are excellent reminders: include a note that says: "We are always at your fingertips when you need us!" Make sure your rolodex card has the little tab at the top with either your name, or the biggest benefit of using your services: this will make it stand out from the others cards in the file.

4. Next, send a bag of popcorn with a note saying: "Just popping in to remind you that we can.... " (mention one of the benefits of using your services or products).

5. A coffee mug imprinted with your logo, and filled with some coffee packets and even a cookie could be next: this will remind them of your visit every time they enjoy their coffee.

6. A seed packet with this message: "We would love to help you grow your business" is another original idea that will leave a great impression.

7. Chocolate business cards will be a tasty reminder of your services. This one may be a little more expensive, but well worth the cost. You'll need to pay for a plate with your logo, but it's a one time cost that will pay you many times over. The chocolate business cards are a great conversation starter, and something that will separate you from your competition.

These are just a few ideas: there are many more ways to keep your name in front of your potential clientele.

And to keep track of what you did, create a folder for each presentation and set up your follow-ups before you even go to your presentation.

You are now on your way to success: good luck with your next presentation!

Nominated for three Golden Globes, Good Times premiered in mid-season 1974 to widespread critical acclaim and audience popularity. A spin-off of the Bea Arthur (of Golden Girls fame) sitcom Maude (1972), Good Times became the fourth of five highly successful sitcoms brought into being during the 1970's decade by Norman Lear. In addition to Maude, those sitcoms were All In The Family (1971), Sanford & Son (1972), and The Jeffersons (1975). The second of three to focus exclusiv...

good times dvd review

Article Body:
Nominated for three Golden Globes, Good Times premiered in mid-season 1974 to widespread critical acclaim and audience popularity. A spin-off of the Bea Arthur (of Golden Girls fame) sitcom Maude (1972), Good Times became the fourth of five highly successful sitcoms brought into being during the 1970's decade by Norman Lear. In addition to Maude, those sitcoms were All In The Family (1971), Sanford & Son (1972), and The Jeffersons (1975). The second of three to focus exclusively on African-American family life, Good Times became a source for groundbreaking social commentary in compliment to its penchant for hilarious family comedy…

Good Times centers around the lives of James (John Amos) and Florida Evans (Esther Rolle), an African-American couple raising their three children in a Chicago housing development. Eldest son J.J. (Jimmie Walker) is a skinny, wisecracking ladies man with an affinity for painting. Middle child Thelma (BernNadette Stanis) plays the role of moderating influence on the passions of her two brothers, while youngest son Michael (Ralph Carter) is always involved in a cause to help others or end an injustice. The family is often visited by Florida's best friend from high school, Willona (Ja'net DuBois), who also lives in the project. In later seasons, she's accompanied by adopted daughter Penny (Janet Jackson). With additional comic relief provided by overweight super Nathan Bookman (Johnny Brown), Good Times is a family-oriented TV series laden with great one-liners and plenty of laugh-tracks…

The Good Times DVD (Season 1) features a number of hilarious episodes including the series premiere "Too Old Blues" in which James is exciting at the prospect of being hired for a high-paying job. But while at the interview, James learns that the training program for the job only accepts qualified applicants aged 18-35. At 42, he's too old for the job. Meanwhile, Florida and the kids have put together a surprise party unaware that James was rejected… Other notable episodes from Season 1 include "Getting Up the Rent" in which the Evans family is faced with an eviction notice, prompting each member to devise a scheme for coming up with the necessary cash, and "The Visitor" in which Michael's letter-to-the-editor about the housing conditions at the Evans' project merits a visit from a housing commission official who experiences the squalor firsthand…

Below is a list of episodes included on the Good Times (Season 1) DVD:

Episode 1 (Too Old Blues) Air Date: 02-08-1974
Episode 2 (Black Jesus) Air Date: 02-15-1974
Episode 3 (Getting Up the Rent) Air Date: 02-22-1974
Episode 4 (God's Business is Good Business) Air Date: 03-01-1974
Episode 5 (Michael Gets Suspended) Air Date: 03-08-1974
Episode 6 (Sex and the Evans Family) Air Date: 03-15-1974
Episode 7 (Junior Gets a Patron) Air Date: 03-22-1974
Episode 8 (Junior the Senior) Air Date: 03-29-1974
Episode 9 (The Visitor) Air Date: 04-05-1974
Episode 10 (Springtime in the Ghetto) Air Date: 04-19-1974
Episode 11 (The TV Commercial) Air Date: 04-26-1974
Episode 12 (The Check Up) Air Date: 05-03-1974
Episode 13 (My Son the Lover) Air Date: 05-10-1974

I am sure those of you who have read self-help books, hypnosis books, probability of you encountering this mysterious word called “subconscious mind” are pretty high. So, you hope that the book that you are reading will provide you with a satisfactory explanation to what subconscious mind is. Unfortunately, the book does not touch on the topic on subconscious mind.

mind power, mind-power, positive thinking, law of attraction, success, positive self-talk, subconscious mind power, power of the subconscious mind, creative visualization, consciousness

Article Body:
I am sure those of you who have read self-help books, hypnosis books, probability of you encountering this mysterious word called “subconscious mind” are pretty high. So, you hope that the book that you are reading will provide you with a satisfactory explanation to what subconscious mind is. Unfortunately, the book does not touch on the topic on subconscious mind. Do not go sleepless over this question, as this amazing article will tell you what you really need to know about subconscious mind. So, what in the world is subconscious mind?

Another name for subconscious mind is sleeping mind or the unconscious mind. Both names arises due to the fact that you have completely no awareness that your subconscious mind exists. Your subconscious mind is a very hardworking mind as it stores almost every single experience in your life. The information that it stores can either be helpful or destructive as the data in your subconscious mind ultimately forms the foundation of your belief system. The beliefs that you have will determine how you lead your life. Now that you have a brief understanding of what subconscious mind is and the power of it, I shall tell you how to make full use of your subconscious mind.

Creative Visualization

Before you head off to your dreamland every night, spend 5 minutes everyday visualizing your goals and ambitions. Imagine yourself already achieving it and feel the emotions that you will feel when you achieved it. This simple and easy exercise is super effective in eliminating any negative emotions that hindered your path to obtaining your goals. The time before you head off to sleep is the perfect time to do this exercise as this is the time where your mind is most willing to accept new information. The next step to unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind is doing positive self-affirmations.

Positive Self-affirmations

Every single morning, repeat your life aims to yourself with an enthusiastic tone. You need to say it passionately as only this way that your brain will register what you say. The longer you practice doing positive affirmations, the more you believe in your goals and you already have reprogrammed your subconscious mind that you can achieve it.

Subliminal Programming

Spend about 10 to 20 minutes everyday listening and watching subliminal videos or audio tapes. Subliminal CDs are readily available in your local CD stores. These CDs can improve your life but you need to listen to them on a regular basis. The downside is that the effect is temporary so you need to listen to them daily. They are also very convenient to listen as they are portable. You can place them in your mp3s and listen to them while working out. While driving your car, you can also listen to them.

Creating a Positive Environment

Choose a place where you regularly work. This could be your study room or your workplace. Then, put up positive and motivational posters. The more posters you put up , the lesser the negative thoughts you will think of and the faster your subconscious mind will internalize those positive beliefs. Your mind is an unbelievable thing; it will go on a autopilot to pick up those positive phrases in your posters. Soon, you will feel yourself easily energized in your workplace and get things down quickly. Do the above faithfully and I can assured you that you will see results very soon.

Blogging is one of the best ways to start a Wahm business because it is so easy to get going. However, that does not mean that it is easy to make money from your blog. Don’t start a blog and expect to see money rolling in immediately. Blogging is an activity that will take time to build up to a profit level. It’s a good thing to start while you are working on other Wahm opportunities to let it build to a profitability level. With time and attention, your blog (or blogs) will grow into a business.

When you are blogging for profit, you’ll want to pay close attention to how you present yourself in your blog. There are literally hundreds of thousands of blogs out there, and there may be several hundred blogs that are related to your topic. If your readers can’t understand your blog and have trouble reading it, they’ll just move on to the next one. The following tips can make your blog more user-friendly and help you gain consistent readers.

First, pay close attention to the format of your blog. Readers want to understand how your blog works right from the start. Most blogging platforms have similar formats, with links and tags on the left or right margin, and the most recent post on top. Make sure to use the links wisely. Only put links up for blogs or content that is truly related to your blog’s topic. The point is to give your readers additional information on your topic. Keep the list short and sweet. There is no reason to overwhelm them with links to other sites.

Also, take careful consideration when choosing your blog’s background and font color. Although there are a lot of color choices that blogging programs offer, its best to stick with a light background and dark text. Studies have shown that the human brain can process this type of format better than light text on a dark background. Think about this before you commit to a black background and white text. It might look striking, but readers might not want to stay there for long. Also, use a solid background color instead of trying to use a pattern or design.

Proofread your entries before you post them to your blog. There is nothing that reduces your authority in the eyes of your readers’ more than bad spelling and grammar. The online world is a world of text, so take some time to learn commonly misspelled words and grammatical errors.

Keep your blog fresh and interesting by posting at least once per day. With so much information available on the Internet, your readers may go elsewhere if you aren’t supplying daily content. If you aren’t sure what to write about, try posting a poll, a link to another blog, comment on a news story or post of list of helpful tips. Not every post has to be long and complicated, but you do need to post something everyday.

These tips will help keep your blog readable and interesting to your visitors. The more visitors you get, the more your blog will grow in profitability and importance. Just make sure to present yourself in a professional way and keep your readers coming back for more new content each day. In no time, you’ll have a profitable blog and then you can move on to create two or three.

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